Appeals and Legal Assistance for Insomnia VA Rating Claims

If you or a loved one is suffering from a service-related disability and your VA disability claim has been denied, a successful appeal depends upon the pathway you choose, and the evidence you provide to VA during the appeal process.

Provided. Without prior experience working with the VA on appeals, it can seem like an intimidating process, as failing to achieve a reversal of the decision can mean even more time without essential benefits. 

The VA disability lawyers from our VA benefits law firm have decades of combined experience working with veterans whose VA disability claims have been denied. We’ll help you gather the evidence you need to receive an accurate insomnia VA rating and the benefits you deserve. 

Appeals and Legal Assistance 

When your claim for VA disability benefits is denied, you have the right to appeal the decision and several options by which to do it. To bring your appeal before a Veterans’ Law Judge at the Board of Veterans’ Appeals (BVA), you’ll need to file a VA Form 101-82, Decision Review Request: Board Appeal (Notice of Disagreement). You can also file a Supplemental Claim that seeks to have your original claim reviewed when you have new and relevant evidence or request a higher-level review to have your case reviewed before a more experienced Rater. Determining what strategy to take and how to best appeal your initial VA disability benefits denial requires a careful review of your case.

There are a variety of pathways that your appeal may take, although generally, your appeal will be reviewed at the BVA. Through that process, a judge with the BVA will review the information that was filed with your initial claim and, in some cases, additional evidence added to strengthen the claim and make an original determination of your eligibility for benefits, either affirming or overturning your denial. 

If your denial is overturned and you are approved for benefits, you are entitled to receive compensation from the date of your original application. 

We Only Get Paid if We Win, and Your Initial Consultation is Free

Your initial consultation and case review is free. It is helpful to have as much information about your initial application and your appeal documents readily available to assist in our review. The purpose of your initial consultation is to determine if your case fits with our firm, and if so, we’ll explain your options to engage us as your VA disability appeals attorney. 

There is no need to worry whether or not you can afford our firm to represent you on your appeal. We only get paid if we win, and we’ll answer any questions you have about how we are paid when we win if we are able to offer to take your case after we’ve had a chance to review it. 

Connect with a VA Insomnia Disability Claim Appeals Lawyer Now 

When your claim has been denied, you and your family can be left to cover the financial burden associated with your insomnia and other service-related conditions. The sooner you get started with a VA disability lawyer from our national veterans benefits law firm, the faster we can take over on your behalf. Call us at 888-878-9350 or visit our site to schedule a free case evaluation.