Case Studies
Past Due Benefit$181,000Service Connection for Depression, Sinusitis, Rhinitis, Special Monthly Compensation, TDIU and DEA
Past Due Benefit$205,000Earlier effective date for TDIU obtained for Veteran
Past Due Benefit$300,000Veteran obtained service connection after nine years of denials
Past Due Benefit$240,000Successful accrued benefits claim for widow
Past Due Benefit$455,000Service connection for Major Depressive Disorder with Psychotic Features and earlier effective date
Past Due Benefit$165,000Service Connection for Diabetes Mellitus secondary to Agent Orange and TDIU and DEA for Blue Water Navy Veteran
Past Due Benefit$225,000TDIU and DEA for Veteran’s service connected back disorder and anxiety
Past Due Benefit$160,000TDIU, DEA and Special Monthly Compensation for Veteran
Past Due Benefit$720,000Veteran’s VA claim process which began in 1972 becomes successful DIC claim for widow in 2019
Past Due Benefit$305,000Another victim of Project 100,000, after 15 years, is finally granted service connection for PTSD despite an other than honorable discharge
Past Due Benefit$260,000Vietnam Era Veteran receives service connection for lumbar spine disorder and major depressive disorder after 41 years
Past Due Benefit$155,000Service connection for PTSD and TDIU
Past Due Benefit$150,000Service connection for Depressive Disorder and TDIU
Past Due Benefit$125,000Earlier Effective Date After Two Appeals to CAVC
Past Due Benefit$204,000Service connection for Major Depressive Disorder secondary to GERD at 100% rating
Past Due Benefit$160,000Increased Evaluation for PTSD with Bipolar Disorder, Service Connection for Cluster Headaches and Lumbar Spine Degenerative Disc Disease and TDIU and DEA
Past Due Benefit$163,000Service Connection for PTSD, Depression and Special Monthly Compensation
Past Due Benefit$290,000Veteran wins TDIU for Autoimmune Disorder after 12 years of fighting VA