A key VA benefit for veterans is the special monthly compensation (SMC) program, which provides additional financial assistance to veterans who have incurred severe disabilities due to their military service. In this article, we will look at the VA SMC program, how to qualify for SMC, the requirements for different SMC ratings, the SMC rates for 2023, and key differences between SMC and other programs.
SMC is a program that provides added financial support to veterans whose service-related disabilities are deemed severe or debilitating. It is designed to compensate for the extra care and assistance required due to these disabilities. Unlike regular disability compensation, which is based on the severity of individual disabilities, SMC takes into account the severity and combination of disabilities to provide a higher level of compensation.
How do you qualify for VA SMC?
To qualify for VA special monthly compensation, veterans must meet certain criteria outlined by the VA. These criteria are specifically designed to assess the severity of the veteran’s disabilities and their impact on daily living. The disabilities can range from physical impairments to mental health conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Note that veterans applying for SMC must already be receiving compensation for their service-connected disabilities.
In general, to qualify for the VA special monthly compensation program, veterans must:
- Have a service-connected disability or disabilities rated at least 100%, OR
- Be housebound or require regular aid and attendance, OR
- Have lost the use of particular body parts or body functions.
The specific requirements for SMC can vary depending on the individual’s circumstances. SMC is divided into separate categories (SMC-K, SMC-L, SMC-M, SMC-N, SMC-O, SMC-R, SMC-S, and SMC-T).
Very generally, the various SMC categories represent the following:
- SMC-K: Loss of or loss of use of a body function or part
- SMC-L: Loss of or loss of use of a specific combination of two body functions or parts
- SMC-M: Loss of or loss of use of a specific combination of two body functions or parts critical to sight, ambulation, or ability to wear a prosthesis
- SMC-N: Loss of or loss of use of a specific combination of two body functions or parts critical to sight, ambulation, or ability to wear a prosthesis
- SMC-O: Loss of or loss of use of a specific combination of two body functions or parts critical to sight, hearing, control of bodily function, ambulation, or ability to wear a prosthesis
- SMC-R: Require Aid and Attendance (assistance of another to perform daily activities)
- SMC-S: At least one 100% rated condition AND completely or permanently housebound, OR a condition rated at least 60% or combined conditions rated at least 60% and unrelated to the 100% rated condition
- SMC-T: Have severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) and require assistance to perform daily activities.
Each category contains subcategories that have different eligibility criteria. For example, to qualify for VA SMC-R1, a veteran must receive Aid and Attendance AND qualify for SMC-O, OR qualify for SMC-N1/2 AND SMC-K. The veteran must provide medical evidence that proves the complete loss of use of bodily functions, such as hearing or vision. To qualify for SMC-K1, a veteran must have lost the use of or have had amputations of certain body parts, such as hands, feet, or eyes.
Due to the wide variety of SMC categories and eligibility requirements, veterans should consult a professional veterans’ disability advocate to determine eligibility.
What are the VA SMC rates for 2023?
The SMC categories a veteran is eligible for will determine the amount of compensation veterans may receive. Except for SMC-K, all SMC rates replace standard VA disability pay. The SMC-K rate is added to the standard disability pay.
The VA SMC rates for 2023 vary based on the severity of the disability and the number of dependents the veteran has. These rates are subject to annual adjustments and are intended to reflect the increased costs of caring for severely disabled veterans.
For 2023, the SMC rates have been set as follows:

Aside from SMC-K, each additional child under 18 receives $101.43, and each additional dependent child aged 18-23 receives $324.12. The amount of compensation received through SMC can vary depending on individual circumstances, such as the severity of the disability or the need for aid and attendance.
What is the SMC for 100% PTSD?
For veterans suffering from 100% PTSD, special monthly compensation is available. This recognizes that PTSD can significantly impact a veteran’s ability to function in daily life. The SMC rates for 100% PTSD depend on the severity and frequency of symptoms, and the impact on the veteran’s ability to maintain employment or relationships.
What is the difference between VA SMC and SMP?
It is important to note that SMC differs from the Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) and the Special Monthly Pension (SMP). While SMC is intended to compensate veterans for the additional care and assistance required due to their disabilities, SBP provides a monthly income to eligible survivors of deceased veterans, and SMP is a monthly pension for individuals who have low income and are permanently and totally disabled.
Is VA SMC Permanent?
Lastly, it is important to understand that SMC is not necessarily a permanent benefit. Veterans may be reevaluated periodically to ensure that their disability and eligibility for SMC still meet the requirements. However, for veterans who have been awarded SMC for certain severe disabilities, such as the loss of use of extremities or paralysis, the benefit may be considered permanent.
VA special monthly compensation (SMC) is a crucial benefit that provides added financial assistance for veterans with severe disabilities resulting from their military service. Qualification for SMC requires meeting specific criteria, and there are different SMC ratings and rates that vary depending on the disability severity and number of dependents.
By understanding the nuances of SMC and staying updated on the latest information, veterans can access the support they need to lead fulfilling lives after serving our country. If you need assistance determining which SMC categories or rates you qualify for or wish to dispute a denied claim for VA SMC, a qualified veterans’ disability attorney can help.