Veterans Disability Info Blog

VA Adds Locations to Agent Orange Exposure List

On February 9, the VA announced plans to add specific locations to the Agent Orange presumptive benefits eligibility criteria. Should the proposed rule be enacted, VA would presume Agent Orange exposure for veterans who have served in the listed locations during the required timeframes.

Adding exposure locations to the Agent Orange presumptive list could expedite the path to disability benefits for many Vietnam veterans, eliminating the need to prove to the VA that military service is somehow linked to a disease or health condition.

Added Locations and Service Dates

Under the proposed rule, presumptive service connection would extend to veterans who served at one of 129 U.S. locations or certain locations in India and Canada.

Added service dates and locations include:

  • 1945 to 1946: Kumbla, India
  • June 1966 and June 1967: Gagetown, New Brunswick, Canada
  • 1945 to 1977: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Montana, New York, Tennessee, Texas, Utah.
  • Sept. 1, 1967, through Aug. 31, 1971: Korean Demilitarized Zone (KDZ)
  • Offshore waters of Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, including the island of Phu Quoc

Complete List of Updated Agent Orange Presumptive Exposure Locations

The complete, updated list of specific locations and service dates eligible for presumptive service connection under the proposed rule is as follows:

United States Locations


Location: US Army Gulf Outport, Port of Mobile, Alabama

Date: Aug 1965 – Dec 1968


Location: Fort Chaffee

Date: May 16-18, July 22-23, August 23-25, 1967


Location: Avon Park Air Force Range

Date: February 1951 – April 15, 1967

Location: Eglin AFB

Date: November 1952 – June 1962

Location: Eglin AFB test range

Date: June 24, 1962 – December 5, 1969

Location: Apalachicola National Forest, near Sopchoppy, Wakulla County, Tallahassee

Date: May 3-8, 1967


Location: Fort Gordon

Date: July 15, 1967 – July 1, 1968

Location: Georgia Power Company: Valdosta-Thomasville line and Bonaire line near Macon

Date: May 20-22, 1964


Location: Vigo Plant CWS, Terra Haute

Date: May 18 – August 22, 1945


Location: Aberdeen Proving Ground

Date: May 1963 – July 1969

Location: Camp Detrick

Date: June 1946 – July 1953

Location: Fort Detrick

Date: November 1956 – May 1970

Location: Fort Meade

Date: August 1963 – August 1964

Location: Fort Ritchie

Date: July 11-12, 1963


Location: Naval Construction Battalion Center, Gulfport

Date: June 1968 – June 1977


Location: Bozeman

Date: July 3, 6, and 14, 1953

New York

Location: Fort Drum

Date: May – October 1959


Location: Power line from Hiwassee Dam, NC to Coker Creek, TN

Date: June 17; July 2,3; 1964


Location: Kelly AFB

Date: November 18, 1970 – Unknown


Location: Dugway Proving Ground

Date: August 7 & 8, 1963

Location: Dugway

Date: September 14 -October 6, 1964

Overseas Locations


Location: Mimot or Krek, Kompon Cham Province

Date: April 16 -30, 1969


Location: Canadian Forces Base Gagetown, New Brunswick

Date: June 14-17, 1966

Location: Canadian Forces Base Gagetown, New Brunswick

Date: June 21-24, 1967


Location: Kumbla

Date: May 1945- February 1946

Johnston Atoll

Location: Johnston Island (Atoll)

Date: April 18, 1972 – September 3, 1977


Location: DMZ to include I Corps (GP) Area

Date: Mid-May through mid-July, 1968


Location: Laos

Date: December 1965-September 1969


Location: U.S. or Royal Thai military base in Thailand

Date: January 9, 1962, through June 30, 1976

Location: Royal Thai Army Replacement Center, Pranburi Military Reservation

Date: April 1964/January 1964

Location: Udorn Royal Thai Air Force Base

Date: October and November 1968; December 28, 1968 – January 2, 1969; February 2-5, 1969; August 31 – Sept. 7, 1969.

Reasoning Behind Proposed Amendments

A recent notice in the Federal Register expands on the proposed rule, stating that it aims to amend VA regulations surrounding herbicide exposure in the following ways:

  • To incorporate provisions of the 2019 Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act – extending presumed exposure to offshore areas of Vietnam, defining offshore boundaries, increasing date ranges for exposure in the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), and adding spina bifida benefits for children of veterans who served in Thailand.
  • To add exposure presumption for a list of locations outside of Vietnam documented by the Department of Defense as having been used for herbicide testing, storage, or use.
  • To apply the “Vietnam offshore waters” definition to presumptive service connection claims for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
  • To add bladder cancer, Parkinsonism, and hypothyroidism as conditions eligible for presumptive service connection under the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act.
  • To add new locations and specific service timeframes as eligible for presumptive status under the PACT Act.

Why Leave Out Panama and Okinawa?

The VA stated that it acknowledges questions about the exclusion of Okinawa and Panama on the Agent Orange exposure location list. The agency states that the new list of Agent Orange exposure locations is limited to land under Defense Department control, Defense Department installations, or locations where service members witnessed herbicide testing, application, transportation, or storage.

“VA nevertheless welcomes all comments on this approach, or comments on Panama and Okinawa specifically, during the comment period for this rulemaking,” the agency stated.

You can comment on the proposed rule at the Federal Register website or Veterans and the general public have until April 13, 2024 to comment on the proposed amendments.

We are Here to Help

If you are having trouble obtaining benefits, contact us online or at 888.878.9350 to discuss your case.